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Workshops are ongoing.  Weekend Intensives, Weekly, Live and on Zoom. They are in English or Swedish.  Please read about Intuition in Action and/or listen to the lecture (below). If you have questions or would simply like to participate Make contact at 

A thirty minute lecture produced by Kulture Akadamien         on THE INTUITION IN ACTION WORKSHOP


"No words to reflect what an incredibly important, challenging, humorous, exhausting, cathartic, humbling, vital, and actually, yes- life-changing journey I was taken on. " Lisa James-Larsson, Director, 


"“To me this workshop was a total game a person as well as in my craft; writing and developing characters.” Erik MacAlister, Head of Script, Baluba film

"In a lifetime of performing never have I found myself so stripped down and honest as I did during Stephen’s workshop. An epiphany!"
Lisa Drake, Cullberg Ballet

"I love working with Stephen. He challenges me.  He gives me the courage to jump.... And that's the greatest thing a teacher can do for a student."  William Spetz William Spetz, actor/writer/


A journey to the Other Side with Stephen Rappaport


“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” -Carl Jung


The Intuition in Action workshop is an ongoing process whose foundation is formed primarily through my experience as Actor/Director/Playwright, but also through other creative processes I am involved with;  Singing, composing music, painting etc.  


At the beginning of each workshop, the space is defined as one where there are very few rules. One may not have the intention of hurting anyone, and one cannot destroy things. That’s it.  The space is defined as a place of research, where nothing has to be done well, the thought being, that the need to be “good” is an impediment to creativity. 


The workshop becomes a framework for the unraveling of an imaginal choice that leads to the in-depth research and development of characters and stories.   Participants are encouraged to allow, acknowledge and accept, the presentation of material that comes up out of the unknown... The Other Side.  The ultimate objective is for the participant to build a greater trust in their intuition, impulses, imaginations, their innate creativity. 


“The place where culture is experienced is located in the potential space between the individual and the environment. The same can be said of playing. Cultural experience begins with creative living first manifested in play”

D.W. Winnicott, psychologist 


“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.” Rumi 


“When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.”
Martin Buber 


The major tool I offer participants is what I call “the third thing”.  It is what Winnicott refers to as the “potential space”, what Rumi calls “the field" and "the electricity" that Buber calls God.  For me, it is where life perpetuates itself. It is the only place where the desired unraveling can occur.  Play cannot exist without it. The workshop begins where participants experience simple exercises that reinforce the awareness of the third thing and use those experiences as reference points for the rest of the workshop, which steadily grows in its level of challenge. 


Connection and Catharsis are at the core of my work as an artist.  Catharsis is defined as.... “the purification and purgation of emotions through art or any extreme change in emotion that results in renewal and restoration.”  The act of teaching, for me, is part of my artwork. Like performing, my teaching depends on a developed trust in intuition and imagination, leading to a passionate, powerful presence. There is acute listening. There is the willingness to be seen that gives permission to others to do the same. There is the existential need to be understood, to offer something, the need to have meaning in one's life.  As an active artist, being in touch with and developing these qualities is what makes me an effective teacher.  See TESTIMONIALS below....

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Swedish institute workshop2017

On "The Other Side" with Stephen Rappaport.


"I define the space as one where there are very few rules. One cannot hurt anyone, or destroy things . A space where nothing has to be done well. It is a space for research. A space to develop more trust in intuition, instinct, and imagination, in ones own innate creativity. A place where we allow and acknowledge, the presentation of material that comes up out of the unknown… The Other Side".

Stephen Rappaport has led workshops for:


Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts 

-Cullberg Baletten.

-The National Theatre of Sweden 

  (Riksteater) Stockholm

-Svenska Institute/in collaboration with HyperIsland

-Reach for Change/in collaboration with Fantastic Studios

-Sveriges Radio P1

-SPOON/in collaboration with Fantastic Studios

-College of Arts Crafts and Design (Konstfack)

-Gothenburg Opera Ballet

-Stockholm City Theatre (Stockholm Stadsteater)

-University College of Dance and Circus, Stockholm (DOCH)

-Backa Theatre, Gothenburg

-The Actors Forum (London)

-Scene Studion Stockholm 

-Teachers University (Lärarhögskolan, Stockholm)

-Dans Alliansen, Stockholm

-Kulturkraft Stockholm

-The Actors Centre (London)

-BSI Group, (Japan)

-SEB bank Danderyds Hospital

-SIF Impro and Co. (Stockholm)

-Sandringham Secondary College (Melbourne)

-Sonoma State University University of Southern California

-University of Saskatchewan

-University of Alberta

-The Northwest Playwright group in Seattle

-The California Rehabilitation Centre in Norko

-And privately for individuals, groups and businesses




“Stephen’s workshop with Team 24 was one of the most beautiful, challenging, and transformative experiences I have ever been lucky enough to participate in. It was also an incredible moment for the students to be supported to explore their character, their artistic expression, each other, and their team’s culture. Stephen is a true gift to the world.”  Pete Sims, Team Leader Kaos Pilots, Aarhus.

“No words to reflect what an incredibly important, challenging, 

humorous, exhausting, cathartic, humbling, vital and actually, yes- 

life changing journey I was taken on...."

Lisa James-Larsson, Film Director

"Det finns dagar som bara är vanliga dagar, och så finns det dagar att växa av. Stephens workshop är en träning i det som kanske är allt bras början: närvaro. hans träning är som ett motståndsarbete mot alla de uppmaningar till att uppföra oss (och därmed ljuga) som världen för övrigt tutar i oss. Det var läskigt, jag var rädd, jag var gladare än på länge och kan varmt rekommendera.” Bob Hansson, Författare

Jag rekommenderar denna spännande workshop varmt, månader senare bär jag fortfarande med mig tankar och känslor från dagarna med Stephen och gruppen. Räkna med att öppna nya dörrar, vända på perspektiv, och ha riktig roliga dagar!

Johan Hoffman, Professor of Numerical Analysis KTH

 "We highly recommend anyone that wants to explore intuition, spontaneity and being in the zone relating to other people to co-create with your full body and mind."

Roger Sjögren and Åsa Silfverberg, Facilitators from The Collaboration Lab/ HyperIsland

In a lifetime of performing never have I found myself so stripped 

down and honest as I did during Stephen’s workshop. An epiphany!" 

Lisa Drake, Cullberg Ballet

“Stephen skapar en miljö som exploderar av kreativitet, en trygg miljö där allt är möjligt och där man tillåts att gå lite längre, lite djupare alltid bortom sin trygghetsgräns.”  Lar Bethke, Mångsidig Scenaktör


"Wow. Det finns många gånger jag tycker att livet kan vara oerhört spännande, romantiska, utvecklande, roligt, ångestfullt, vidrigt, skrämmande och fullständigt underbart, men det är är alldeles för små ord för att beskriva Stephen Rappaports workshop." Patricia Frank, Photographer Agent/Producer

“To me this workshop was a total game a person as well 

as in my craft; writing and developing characters.” 

Erik MacAlister, Script Writer


“Volcanic, sensual, challenging, exhausting, enlightening, humbling, 

uplifting. I have gone to a place where I have never been before.... 

A blast!" Nicole Brandes, Speaker on Global Leadership 


“...Truly inspirational. The workshop has injected me with new life as an artist and as a human being. ” Johan Wellton, Circus Artist

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